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5 Benefits of Retail Packaging for Startups and New Brands

December 7, 2018


Product quality isn’t the only thing that startups and new brands have to worry about. Penetrating a market and getting their own slice of it;  is a complicated process that involves a lot of planning ahead. Especially today, when more than ever, consumers are driven by striking visuals.

Retail packaging has a lot to say about whether your product is going to be picked up from the shelf or not. To help you understand the value of retail packaging, we’ve put together a list of 5 benefits of retail packaging for startups and new brands.

1.Extended Marketing Efforts

Marketing plays a vital role in a new product launch. This is why startups and new brands tend to diversify their marketing approach. Their marketing efforts include PPC, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, and a long list of ever-expanding channels. 

There is one thing that can help them extend their marketing efforts and capture the attention of their target customers even better: effective retail packaging. How can you use it to extend your marketing efforts?

If you choose to go with a unique design and packaging build to reflect the latest standards and best practices, you can deliver unique content to introduce it to your target customers. For instance, you can release short unboxing and behind the scenes videos. Keep your customers intrigued and you will achieve success on the day of your product launch.


2.Better Recognition in the Market

Every brand has an identity. Even if there are many in the market selling the same type of product, there are no two brands that are completely the same. If you want your products to be recognizable on the market, you will have to start working on your brand identity from the ground up.

How can retail packaging help you achieve this and establish it as an ongoing process? The answer hides in the common retail packaging design vision. This is especially important for startups and new brands since they generally only have one product, or a limited range, to enter the market.

A common retail packaging vision will bind all of your future products under one roof. Even if you launch a product in a different category and comply with its unique packaging needs, it will still be recognizable by your customers.


3.Foster a Connection With Customers

Building a brand and connections with customers is no longer a process of trial and error. Custom retail packaging service companies deploy case studies and focus groups to deliver a packaging solution that works perfectly for an individual brand.

Adding a personal touch to the brand-customer connection is a complicated process, where all pieces of the puzzle have to fit in perfectly. The vital part of this puzzle is custom retail packaging. With a unique design, you will not only be able to be more easily recognized but also start building trust in your customers.

Not to mention that high-quality retail packaging can help you increase the value of your product overall. Especially today, when packaging is specifically designed to complement the enclosed product.

4. Promote Brand Awareness

Brand logo and custom retail packaging work hand in hand in promoting brand awareness. As you might already know, there is some real science behind logo design. Both the colors and fonts used help brands convey the message they want and evoke the sentiment they desire.

For instance, green is associated with hope, orange with fun, and black with dependability. On the other hand, fonts in the Serif family are associated with tradition, respect, comfort, while those from the Script family will help you appear as an elegant, affectionate, or creative brand. You can find out more about the psychology of typefaces here.

This is why it is best to go with retail packaging that works with typefaces and color schemes used in your logo design. This will help you extend your message, evoke targeted emotions, and, ultimately, promote brand awareness.


5. Connect With People With the Same Cause

Retail packaging is perceived as an environmental issue by more and more people every day. In a society when the majority of customers are becoming ecologically aware, it is important for brands to recognize this.

Why? The answer is rather simple. In order to build a meaningful connection with your customers, you have to have the same beliefs as they do. In this case, your cause could be “save the planet”. How can retail packaging help you come closer to your more ecologically aware customers?

For instance, your next branding message can inform your target customers that you use biodegradable packaging. Or perhaps reusable bags that consumers are excited to use again and again can help decrease the environmental impact of the packaging. In your efforts to appeal to these customers, you can also use minimalistic packaging and use your position as a brand to promote environmental responsibility.


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